Coronavirus disease what you should know about (COVID-19)
HOTLINE: 877.978.6453
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F
Federal and Regional Resources
Other Resources
pg电子下载 State University is excited to welcome all of its students back to campus for the fall 2021 semester. As the University continues to evaluate changing health conditions, it remains committed to mitigating the spread of COVID-19 while ensuring a safe return to campus and the activities that make the traditional college experience so rich and rewarding.
pg电子下载 will continue to monitor and maintain compliance with CDC, Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH), and Institutions of Higher Learning guidelines, in addition to state and local regulations, pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the University planned to relax some of the COVID-19 protocols, due to the recent rise in cases of the COVID-19 Delta variant, the following protocols will be effective August 7, 2021.
General Brave Start Updates
- Face coverings are required for students, faculty, staff, and visitors for all in-person academic classes and class-related activities, as well as all indoor venues and events, regardless of vaccination status.
- Face coverings are strongly encouraged for outdoor venues when in small groups or in close proximity to others.
- If exposed to COVID-19, persons who are fully vaccinated will not be required to quarantine unless they are exhibiting symptoms.
- Residence Life will have a limited number of isolation/quarantine spaces for residential students. First priority for those spaces will be given to students whose home of residence is outside of a reasonable commuting distance as determined by the University.
The key to fully resuming normal operations is personal responsibility and vaccinations. We continue to strongly encourage all faculty, staff, students, as well as student’s household and family members to continue:
- exercising best practices of handwashing,
- social distancing to the extent practicable; and
- wearing face coverings.
On-Campus Walk-up Vaccinations During Move-In
The University is offering the COVID-19 vaccine for faculty, staff, undergraduate students, graduate students, and the families of those in the University community ages 18 and up, on the main campus plaza near the Student Union Building, during move-in days. No appointment is necessary.
On-Campus Vaccination by Appointment
Vaccinations are readily available at no cost via Campus Health and Disability Services. Visit Health and Disability Services or call 601-877-6460 to learn more about the available COVID-19 vaccines and how to schedule an appointment.
The University will continue to monitor the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and make adjustments as required. Please continue to check the University’s Brave Start webpage for updates.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work together to keep our community safe in an ever-evolving situation.
Dear pg电子下载 State University Community,
Due to the success of our health and safety protocols as well as the steady increase in vaccination rates and decline in infections, pg电子下载 State University is transitioning its COVID-19 protocols to more closely align with recently announced changes by the CDC for fully vaccinated individuals.
Effective July 1, 2021, pg电子下载 State University will begin modifying its “Brave Start” protocols.
- Face coverings will be optional for persons vaccinated. Face coverings will still be required inside classrooms, laboratories, studios, and in vehicles or other modes of transportation when on official University business.
- Temperature checks will be discontinued at the campus entrances
- Capacity limitations for indoor facilities will increase to 75%
- Employees and students who are otherwise exposed or test positive for COVID-19 will continue to be required to quarantine (for exposure) or isolate (for positive tests).
Whereas the University is relaxing the protocols, the key to fully resuming normal operations is personal responsibility and vaccinations. We continue to strongly encourage all faculty, staff, and students to maintain good health practices and to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Nursing school students are advised that clinical settings may require proof of vaccination.
Wearing a face covering, maintaining physical distancing, and getting vaccinated are all prevention strategies to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Employees and students are urged to continue to practice these health and safety measures. Vaccinations are readily available at no cost via Campus Health Services.
Lastly, pg电子下载 State University’s Department of Health Services is conducting an anonymous survey to determine the percentage of students, faculty, and staff who have been vaccinated. We urge you to participate in this survey. Your participation is imperative for us to determine how soon we will be able to fully return to normal operations.
As it was at the beginning and throughout the emergence of the pandemic, it continues to be pg电子下载’s intent to do all that we can to reduce the spread of the virus while providing an excellent educational experience on our campuses.
We Dare to Lead!
Press Conference Livestream
Please click the button below to view the March 23, 2021 Press Conference on pg电子下载 State University’s official Facebook page.
View Press Conference Livestream RecordingWATCH THE RECORDING ON ALCORN’S FACEBOOK PAGE
Press Conference Livestream
Please click the button below to view the March 23, 2021 Press Conference on pg电子下载 State University’s official Facebook page.
View Press Conference Livestream RecordingWATCH THE RECORDING ON ALCORN’S FACEBOOK PAGE
To: pg电子下载 State University Employees
From: Dr. Wanda C. Fleming, Chief Human Resources Officer
Re: COVID-19 Related Leave
Date: Friday, January 5, 2021
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was instituted by the Department of Labor beginning April 1, 2020 to accommodate healthcare and childcare leave needs of employees. That law expired on December 31, 2020.
Going forward, we recognize that leave related to COVID-19 continues to be an issue confronted by some employees in 2021 and are concerned for the welfare of all.
Given that the FFCRA has expired, existing university leave policy will apply, beginning January 11, 2021.These policies are available in the University Policy Directory, located at
Unfortunately, telework WILL NOT generally be an option. Rather, the following provisions apply:
Positive COVID-19 Test Results (Self – non-work related exposure) |
Non-paid FMLA & Accumulated Sick /Personal Leave or Leave without Pay |
Positive COVID-19 Test Results (Intimate contacts and/or individual employee is caring for) | Non-paid FMLA & Accumulated Sick/Personal Leave or Leave without Pay |
Positive COVID-19 Test Results (Self – work related – documentation required) |
Workers’ Compensation (2/3 salary) and Accumulated Sick/Personal Leave (1/3 salary, if approved by insurance carrier). Otherwise, Non-paid FML & Accumulated Sick/Personal Leave or Leave without Pay |
Direct Exposure to COVID 19, with legal quarantine or isolation order (Self – Work related) |
Workers’ Compensation (2/3 salary) and Accumulated Sick/Personal Leave (1/3 salary if approved by insurance carrier). Otherwise, Non-paid FML & Accumulated Sick/Personal Leave or Leave without Pay (Pending approval) |
Direct Exposure to COVID-19, with legal quarantine or isolation order (Self -Non-work related (symptomatic) |
Accumulated Sick and/or Personal Leave or Leave without Pay |
Direct Exposure to COVID-19, with legal quarantine or isolation order (Intimate contacts and/or individual employee is caring for – with or without symptoms) | Accumulated Sick and/or Personal Leave or Leave without Pay |
Caring for Son/Daughter (under the age of 18) because school or place of care has been closed due to COVID-19 | Accumulated Personal Leave or Leave without Pay |
Employees should continue to self-report in the Faculty/Staff COVID-19 Portal, located at Representatives from Health and Disability Services and the Office of Human Resources Management will contact you, as applicable.
Please be mindful of required safety protocol detailed in the Infectious Disease Control Policy (; COVID-19 Face Covering Policy ( ; and Enforcement of COVID-19 Face Covering Policy (
We are all hopeful that the end of the COVID-19 pandemic is on the horizon and will continue to support faculty and staff members as we all navigate these uncharted waters.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected].
Thank you!
Xc Dr. Felecia M. Nave, President/IEO
Dr. Cornelius Wooten, Senior VP for Finance, Administrative Services & Operations/CFO
To: pg电子下载 State University Students
From: Dr. Tracy M. Cook, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Date: September 1, 2020
Re: Student Enforcement of COVID-19 Face Covering Policy
pg电子下载 State University has issued a face covering policy for all University personnel, students, staff, contractors, and visitors who are on campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy is in accordance with federal and state workplace safety requirements and the Governors Executive Orders 1512, 1509, and 1507.
pg电子下载 State University requires all students, staff, faculty and visitors to wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose while anywhere on ASU property (including the Natchez campus and Vicksburg facility). This includes when inside buildings (classrooms, public restrooms, meeting rooms, libraries, Dining Hall, offices and office spaces where two or more gather and six-foot physical distancing cannot be achieved), outdoors and on ASU transportation. Face coverings are also required outdoors when six-foot physical distancing cannot be achieved.
Growing scientific evidence supports that the wearing of face coverings is one of the most effective strategies in limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) recommend wearing cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and to help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. It is the responsibility of everyone to wear face coverings in order to do their part to minimize risks to themselves, others and the pg电子下载 community. With that in mind, the university has adopted the following detailed policy on wearing protective face coverings.
Everyone on campus is required to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when indoors. This includes classrooms, public restrooms, open office and common spaces, hallways, meeting rooms, libraries, dining area, bookstore, and other indoor spaces. Face coverings are also required outdoors when six-foot physical distancing cannot be maintained. This includes walking across campus with friends, attending a class or event that might be held outdoors or in a tent, or playing basketball or volleyball on the outdoor courts. Also, everyone should bring at least 5-10 washable masks to campus.
- Face coverings may be cloth or disposable.
- Students may remove face coverings in their own residence hall rooms.
- Students should have a face covering with them whenever they are on campus.
- Students who enter facilities without a face covering will be asked to leave.
- Students may remove face coverings when actively eating or drinking. Please maintain physical distance from others while eating or drinking and mask up as soon as you are finished.
Individuals who are unable to wear cloth face coverings due to a medical or behavioral condition or disability may wear an alternate face covering, such as a shield, and maintain a minimum six-foot physical distance at all times. The Provost may grant a waiver to the COVID-19 Face Mask Policy for students in a specific class, if requested by the faculty member and necessary to meet the curricular requirements of the course (e.g., theater, voice, language instruction, etc.). In those classes, a minimum six-foot physical distance must be maintained at all times, in addition to other protocols that may be established by the university. Students who require accommodations must be registered with Student Health Services.
Removing face coverings is not permitted in classrooms, labs, studios which means that eating or drinking will not be allowed during class. Those needing to eat, drink or take medication during in-person class should take a break to do so outside of the classroom, lab or studio.
Dining halls, outdoor seating, and non-classroom tents are good options for eating meals. Large indoor spaces or large building lobbies where physical distancing is possible can be used for eating or drinking, per the face covering policy. Please maintain physical distance from others eating in the same area, stay six feet away from doorways to protect those entering and exiting, and put your face covering back on after eating. Those walking through a lobby or space where someone is eating should continue to wear their face covering.
Public health is everyone’s responsibility. pg电子下载 State University is relying on members of our community to adhere to and assist with enforcing these standards of behavior.Members of the community should speak up if they encounter someone violating the face covering policy. For example, using an informal, personal intervention with friends and peers, such as saying, “Mask up” or “No mask, no class” may often be a good reminder. Student Organizations should clearly define how they will enforce the mask policy in their spaces. Individuals who fail to wear face coverings as required may be reported for non-compliance to the Office of Judicial Affairs and result in denial of access to designated areas or participation in programs or activities, and/or discipline in accordance with applicable university student conduct policies:
Minor violations – will ideally be addressed in the moment by an active bystander (e.g., offering a forgetful student a mask) and/or through an educational discussion (e.g., student meeting with residence life or other staff). We will encourage peer engagement and bystander intervention by faculty, staff, and students in training programs and other communications, consistent with our broader social norming campaign.
Serious violations – will be routed to the University Judiciary Committee and also evaluated for immediate interim disciplinary suspension by the Office of Student Affairs; through this administrative process, the Office of Student Affairs can suspend a student from in-person learning/activities (i.e., allow them to continue with remote learning) or all enrollment (no remote learning). The interim suspension includes a no-trespass order from Grounds enforceable through the University Police Department. The definition of what is a “serious” violation will be fact-bound, though we expect it will include repeated violations by the same individual or organization, those that constitute a refusal to comply when warned or encouraged, and large events in plain, intentional disregard of size and distance limitations.
Widespread violations – will be a factor in determining whether and when to close the University to students and in-person classes and to request that students return home.
These processes will be updated/modified as needed to comply with guidance from the Center for Disease Control, Mississippi State Department of Health, and Governor Issued Executive Orders.
To: pg电子下载 State University Employees and Students
From: Cornelius Wooten, PhD, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Date: August 4, 2020
Re: COVID-19 Face Covering Policy and Enforcement of COVID-19 Face Covering Policy
pg电子下载 State University has issued a face covering policy for all University personnel, students, staff, contractors, and visitors who are on campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
This policy is in accordance with federal and state workplace safety requirements and the Governors Executive Orders 1512, 1509, and 1507.
Research shows that transmission of COVID-19 is greatly reduced and lives are saved when all individuals wear face coverings while in public. Because many cases of COVID-19 are mild or asymptomatic and COVID-19 can be transmitted days before an individual with the virus is symptomatic, the community is best protected when all individuals mask up. It is the shared responsibility of the entire ASU community to protect not only their health, but the health of those who are most vulnerable for serious illness and death from COVID-19.
Face covering will help to slow the spread of the virus, and are part of a multi-layered approach for COVID-19 prevention. Other preventive measures – including physical distancing, frequent hand washing, routine disinfecting of high touch surfaces, and minimizing the duration of contact with others –need to be maintained even while wearing a face covering.
pg电子下载 State University requires all students, staff, faculty and visitors to wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose while anywhere on ASU property (including the Natchez campus and Vicksburg facility). This includes when inside buildings (classrooms, public restrooms, meeting rooms, libraries, Dining Hall, offices and office spaces where two or more gather and six-foot physical distancing cannot be achieved), outdoors and on ASU transportation. Face coverings are also required outdoors when six-foot physical distancing cannot be achieved.
Policies can be found at:
- Face Mask Policy:…
- Enforcement of COVID-19 Face Covering Policy:…
- TO: pg电子下载 State University Faculty and StaffFROM: President Felecia M. NaveRE: Update Campus OperationsDATE: July 10, 2020Yesterday, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves announced new restrictions in 13 counties that are seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases. Claiborne and Jefferson counties are included in the governor’s mandate that require a face mask be worn in public places along with a ban on all social gatherings exceeding 10 people indoors and 20 people outdoors. This order goes into effect on Monday, July 13.As we continue to take every precaution to ensure the health and wellbeing of our students, faculty, and staff and in compliance with state officials, effective immediately, University employees and visitors will be required to wear a face mask on campus. In addition, please avoid meetings of more than 10 people and use video conferencing platforms for meetings whenever possible.The challenge of COVID-19 requires us all to work together. By wearing a face mask, practicing social distancing and good hand hygiene, staying home when sick and self-reporting exposure to the coronavirus, we can all do our part to slow the spread and ensure a safe start this fall.
- TO: pg电子下载 State University CommunityFROM: Keith A. McGee, Ph.D., Interim Provost & Executive Vice PresidentDATE: June 18, 2020RE: Limited Opening of the pg电子下载 State University Campus at Vicksburg, MSThe pg电子下载 State University Campus at Vicksburg, MS, will be open to limited personnel and events as approved through the Office of the Provost and staffed by personnel approved by the Office of the Provost.The limited opening will begin July 1, 2020.
- TO: pg电子下载 State University EmployeesFROM: President Felecia M. NaveRE: Phased Return of Employees
DATE: May 28, 2020Events during the past two months have presented unique challenges for our students, faculty, and staff as well as the daily operations of our Lorman, Natchez, and Vicksburg locations. Our Brave family has persevered and navigated these unprecedented events while continuing to carry out the University’s mission of teaching, research, and service in innovative ways that reflect the Brave Spirit.On May 25 at 8 am, the executive orders (stay-at-home and the extended safer-at-home) issued by Governor Tate Reeves ended. Additionally, during the May IHL Board meeting, the Board of Trustees passed the resolution requiring all Mississippi institutions to plan for, to the extent possible, the return of students to campus for fall 2020. Although we cannot mitigate every risk, we will continue and escalate our safety, health and welfare measures including but not limited to:- regularly sanitizing workspaces
- establishing social distance parameters
- facilitating virtual meetings
- the use of face covering
Thus, I am writing to inform you of when and how business operations will resume on all pg电子下载 State University campuses. The Natchez campus will reopen for limited operations on June 1 and the Vicksburg campus will reopen for limited operations on July 1.
During the month of May, a progressive and staged return of leadership and select essential employees was implemented.For this next phased re-opening, employees should expect to hear from their vice president (or direct supervisor) and/or Human Resources when they are expected to return to their work site as well any requirements for re-entry. The phased return of employees will follow the schedule below:
- June 1: All Directors/Associate/Assistant, Associate/Assistant Deans, and Select Essential Employees determined by the Vice President
- June 15: All Essential Workers
- July 1: All Employees
Teleworking or alternate work location employee assignments will conclude on the designated date listed above. Subsequent absences, including those resulting from being sent home due to temperature or COVID-19 symptoms, will require submission of a leave document in accordance with pg电子下载 State University’s leave policy.Those employees who have special circumstances as defined by the CDC and FMLA should consult with HR and provide documentation about any personal circumstances requiring them to remain offsite. All other employees can expect to be required to return to campus as directed.
The COVID-19 and the Campus Safe Start Taskforce are expected to provide additional recommendations related to reintroducing students to campus and campus operations. I look forward to receiving the recommendations and continuing to provide a safe environment for our campus community.
Thank you for your committed service to pg电子下载 State University!
- TO: pg电子下载 State University CommunityFROM: President Felecia M. NaveRE: Update Campus OperationsDATE: May 10, 2020pg电子下载 State University will begin to slowly yet strategically re-introduce select essential employees back into the campus environment until such time that it is safe to return all employees. Employees deemed necessary to return to work will be notified by their area vice president and/or supervisor. Remaining employees will continue in a telework status.Returning employees are expected to strictly adhere to the following guidelines:
- Complete the faculty/staff self-reporting survey for out-of-state travel
- Report possible exposure and/or illness to your supervisor
- Temperatures will be taken at the front entry gate beginning Monday, May 11
- Practice social distancing (avoid unnecessary visiting with colleagues)
- Wear a mask
- No groups of 10 or more should gather at any time
- Continue best practices of handwashing, disinfecting, and sanitizing
With the continuing evolution of public health guidelines, the following restrictions remain in place until further notified:
- The campus remains closed to in-person business operations
- Meetings are to be held via teleconference, virtual, or Zoom
- University-sponsored domestic and international travel remains suspended
We will continue to take extra precautions to maintain a safe and sanitized environment.
- TO: pg电子下载 State University Employees and StudentsFROM: President Felecia M. Nave
RE: Update Campus Operations – Safer-at-Home
DATE: April 27, 2020To help continue the state’s fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves issued Executive Order 1477 on April 24, 2020, which implements a statewide Safer at Home order until May 11, 2020, unless rescinded, modified or extended.In line with the governor’s executive order, pg电子下载 State University will continue our current operations status until the order is lifted. Employees deemed necessary to return to work will be notified by their area vice president and/or supervisor with further instructions for returning to campus. Employees who must work on campus should continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and no groups of 10 or more should gather at any time.
TO: pg电子下载 State University Employees and Students
FROM: President Felecia M. Nave
RE: Current Campus Operating Status to Continue for One Additional Week
DATE: April 17, 2020
To help continue the state’s fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has signed Executive Order 1473 extending the statewide “shelter-in-place” for one additional week through 8 a.m. Monday, April 27, 2020.
In line with the governor’s executive order, pg电子下载 State University will continue our current operations status until the order is lifted. All employees currently on administrative leave and/or other alternative/remote work status shall remain in place until further notice.
pg电子下载 to Issue Prorated Refunds for Housing, Meals and Parking for Spring 2020 Semester
From: pg电子下载 President Felecia M. Nave
Friday, April 10, 2020
Dear pg电子下载 State University Students,
With the transition to virtual and remote learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students were faced with an inability to return to campus for the remainder of the spring semester. As you know, we have received a number of questions about refunds for certain fees paid to the university for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked with our sister institutions, system and state leaders to respond with clarity and equity to this unprecedented challenge. Throughout this process, our priority has been to make sure everyone affected is safe and made as whole as possible.
I am pleased to report that in support of our students and in alignment with guidance recently received from IHL, pg电子下载 State University will issue prorated refunds and credits to eligible students for housing, meals and parking charges for the Spring 2020 Semester. Below is general information on how the University intends to implement refunds and credits. All transactions (housing, meals and parking refunds/credits) will be processed no later than May 29, 2020. Students who remained on campus will not be eligible for refunds or credits.
Students who did not remain on campus to live in university residence halls after March 16, 2020 will receive a pro-rated refund of their Spring 2020 housing agreement. Students who withdrew from the university before March 16, 2020 will not be issued a refund. Additionally, students whose full housing was paid from institutional scholarships, ASU Foundation scholarships, or pg电子下载 Athletics will not receive a refund.
Students enrolled in meal plans though Sodexo, our dining services partner, will have the remainder of their meal plans rolled over into Fall 2020 as a credit unless the student is graduating, in which case, the student will receive a pro-rated refund check or direct deposit on the unused portion of their plan, based on the last day of use. Flex dollar balances will be transferred to the Fall 2020 semester as well.
The Parking Office will provide pro-rated credits to all commuter students and students who did not remain on campus to live in university residence halls after March 16, 2020. Graduating seniors will receive a refund for parking.
Please note that all refunds will be applied to students’ accounts at the university and will first apply to any current outstanding charges or balances owed. Any unused balance will be distributed to students via direct deposit or refund check. All remaining payments due on payment plans for housing, meals and parking will be prorated and late payments and financing charges will be waived through the end of the semester.
Students utilizing federal funds to pay for any portion of their housing and meals will receive a refund for any credit balance, per guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Education. These plans may be subject to change should future Department of Education guidance require modifications.
We sincerely appreciate your patience as we work to facilitate these processes and hope this plan meets your expectations in our efforts to ensure we strike the appropriate balance between applicable state laws and fairness to our students. More information, including a Frequently Asked Questions portal, will be provided soon by various offices including the Office of Residence Life, Financial Aid and Finance and Administration.
I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and enjoy a happy holiday weekend properly social distancing with family and loved ones.
Brave Forever!
Felecia M. Nave
President, pg电子下载 State University
To: All pg电子下载 State University Employees and Students From: pg电子下载 President Felecia M. Nave
RE: Notification for All Employees and Students to Shelter in Place
Date: Sunday, April 5, 2020
On Wednesday, March 31, Governor Tate Reeves announced the “Shelter-in-place” executive order #1466 to limit the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. The order requires all persons residing in Mississippi to shelter in place beginning at 5 p.m. Friday, April 3 through 8 a.m. Monday, April 20, except for essential services.
In line with the Governor’s executive order and to further reduce the employee footprint on campus, limited essential employees as designated by their area vice president will report to campus to continue critical and emergency services (i.e. Campus Police/Fire, Health Services, CITS, etc.). The campus remains operational, however, all employees should continue to work from home to the extent possible. Classes will continue to be taught remotely.
Most University buildings will be closed, except:
•Walter Washington Administration and Classroom Building (restricted access)
•Campus Public Safety Center
•Rowan Health Services Center
•Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining Hall (restricted access)
•Facilities Management
•Campus Post Office
•Campus Fuel Station
Employees deemed necessary to report to campus will be notified by their area vice president and/or supervisor, provided a letter signed by the president and have their names placed on a list at each campus entrance. Employees who must work on campus should continue to practice social distancing, and no groups of 10 or more should gather at any time. Nonessential visitors to all campuses will be restricted.
All remaining essential employees who have not completed an Alternate Work Location form will be automatically placed on telework status and remote work plans will be forwarded to you via email by your supervisor.
The University’s restriction of on-campus operations will also include significantly reducing the amount of facilities staff available to provide the usual grounds maintenance and cleaning and sanitation services in University buildings.
Students still on campus will be consolidated into two residence halls on the Lorman campus. Dining services will be twice daily, take out only.
Mississippi State Department of Health HOTLINE: 877.978.6453 | Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm M-F
pg电子下载 State University is closely monitoring the global spread of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”), which has caused outbreaks of respiratory disease in numerous countries, including the United States.
University leaders are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. In addition, pg电子下载 is working closely with federal, state, and local health officials to share information and implement policies related to preparedness and prevention. As our campuses make preparations, we will have access to and heed the guidance of infectious disease and public health and safety experts.
pg电子下载 will share updated information on this web page as it becomes available. This page is intended to provide information about precautions and preparations that are being taken and prevention measures you can take. Please click on a link below for the latest developments.
Our CITS Canvas Team is committed to helping all students, faculty and staff transition to virtual teaching and learning. Your well-being and academic success is our top priority, and we appreciate your patience as we boot up to provide you the support you need.
As a part of the University’s response to COVID-19, we are continually working to make sure we provide a healthy and safe environment for the campus.
Students currently living on campus are reminded of the protection guidelines outlined below. The University is monitoring the situation closely and reserves the right to alter the arrangements as necessary. Read More
Message to pg电子下载 Alumni and Friends from the Office of Institutional Advancement
As most are aware, the global coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 is evolving and casting a wide shadow over normal activities in our state, the nation and world. pg电子下载 State University recognizes that these fast-unfolding events are creating concern and uncertainty for all of us and want you to know our first priority is the safety and well-being of our community and to the extent possible, the continuity of University operations. Read More
Spring 2020 Commencement and Alumni Reunion Weekend Postponed
I am writing to inform you that the Spring 2020 Commencement and Alumni Reunion Weekend will be postponed until further notice. Read More
Faculty Guidance for Transition to Virtual, Remote and Online Delivery of Courses
pg电子下载 State University is committed to student success, health, and the safety of the pg电子下载 Community. In light of the recent occurrences of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID – 19), please adhere to the following important guidelines and procedures. Read More
Information for Students Living in Campus Residence Halls
The Office of Residence Life appreciates your patience and understanding as the University works diligently and carefully to make decisions and arrangements addressing the impact of this changing public health crisis of COVID-19. Read More
Message from President Felecia M. Nave
Operating guidelines and procedures for the week of March 16-March 20
As we continue to monitor and respond to the rapidly growing pandemic, I again write to share additional guidance as we embark upon our extended spring break week. I sincerely hope that everyone within the pg电子下载 family and your respective families are healthy and adhering to the guidance being provided by the University ( and/or by the Center for Disease Control ( It goes without saying, the spread of COVID-19 has impacted and disrupted our lives in significant ways. pg电子下载 has not been immune to these massive disruptions; however, we have moved swiftly to develop and implement contingency plans that aim at keeping the health and safety of our constituents at the forefront. Read More
University Communications on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- March 13, 2020, UPDATE #4: University guidance and information related to Spring Break, Travel, Campus Events, and Virtual Instruction
- March 12, 2020, UPDATE # 3: Transition to Virtual Instruction
- March 12, 2020, UPDATE #2: Spring Break Extension and Transition to Virtual Instruction
- March 12, 2020, UPDATE #1: Message from President Felecia M. Nave to the pg电子下载 State University Community Regarding COVID-19
- March 12, 2020, Mississippi Public Universities Modify Class Schedules In Response To Coronavirus
- March 6, 2020, pg电子下载 issues guidance and information related to Spring Break and student, faculty, and staff travel
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and now with this novel (new) coronavirus, which was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”). Source: CDC
The virus is thought to be transmitted from person-to-person in close contact (about 6 feet). The virus may be spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes and produces respiratory droplets that infect a nearby person. People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic; however, some spread might be possible before people show symptoms. Source: CDC
The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Source: CDC
If you are sick with fever and a cough or having difficulty breathing, you should seek medical care immediately and call ahead to the doctor’s office to inform them of recent travel and symptoms.
Students with symptoms should call the Campus Health Services Center at (601) 877-6460 (8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday). Contact Campus Emergency Services after hours and on weekends by calling (601) 877-3000.
University employees should contact your healthcare provider. The University has developed policy direction for alternative work arrangements, isolation/quarantine, institutional closure and emergency furloughs related to a pandemic and communicable diseases.
At this time, there is no vaccine that prevents COVID-19 infection. You can reduce your risk of contracting respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, by taking the following precautions:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
- Make sure to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands and avoid personal contact with sick people.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Recognize the symptoms of this illness which may include a high fever, cough, difficulty breathing, similar to what you may feel with the flu or a bad cold.
- Seek care and immediately notify the Office of Health and Disability Services at the Campus Health Center or your health care provider if you are experiencing these symptoms.
- Stay home when you are sick.
Source: CDC
Yes. On March 12th, the first case in Mississippi was confirmed in a patient in Forrest County (Hattiesburg).
State public health officials are doing everything possible to limit and slow the spread of the infection and will continue to communicate with the public and community to ensure everyone is equipped with up-to-date knowledge. For more information, visit the Mississippi State Department of Health website.
Your medical records and other health information provided to healthcare plans, doctors, hospitals and other providers are private. Your personal health information is protected under federal HIPAA laws. If you test positive for COVID-19, the local health department will contact you and initiate an investigation. The results of the investigations will determine next steps for limiting the exposure risk to others. This could include quarantining a floor in a residence hall or recommendations for a wider scope of quarantine and/or deep cleaning if the case originated in a campus facility or other area.
No, the University is not closed. As this situation evolves, we will continue to evaluate our University operations as we closely monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our community. We will be in touch with the community as there are new developments.
Except in a few special cases (i.e. International Students, etc.), the University is continually encouraging students who desire to retrieve their personal belongings and return to their respective homes or permanent residence to do so. An organized process and to help manage traffic congestion for those returning to retrieve items, begins at 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 18, 2020, through 8 p.m. Sunday, March 22, 2020. If you are unable to retrieve your belongings at this time, please contact the office for assistance in scheduling another time.
Students with medical conditions should plan to go home, if at all possible, for the break, since it will be difficult for us to maintain an appropriate level of care. See the Office of Residence Life memo here.
Students living on campus in residence halls will be receiving more communication from the Office of Residence Life staff so please follow the directions in those communications. Please note, we are strongly encouraging all residential students, who have the ability, to not return to campus this semester. Students should understand this is not a requirement. All student handbook and residence life policies remain in effect.
Students with medical conditions should plan to go home, if at all possible, for the break, since it will be difficult for us to maintain an appropriate level of care. See the Office of Residence Life memo here.
- Complete the Student Self-Reporting Portal. The link was emailed to all students accounts and posted on social media.
- An pg电子下载 staff member will contact you to discuss your situation.
- There will be limited dining options and modified cafeteria hours available for students.
This is the best way for us to keep the campus community safe. Additional information can be found on the pg电子下载 COVID-19 website
The campus is open during this time.
Classes and instruction, including final exams will be offered using virtual means for the remainder of the semester. The semester will resume on Monday March 23rd with classes online.
- The University’s Facilities Management staff cleans and disinfects all communal bathrooms, surfaces and buildings daily. We have also ordered additional cleaning supplies for the campus.We have also placed hand sanitizer stations across campus and the Facilities staff has refilled them. Dispensers are near main entrances and/or nearby elevators. Please do not remove or damage the stations or the contents. Facilities staff are cleaning with disinfectant products in alignment with best practices from the Mississippi State Department of Health, in addition to increased cleaning of handrails, doorknobs, and other high touch areas. Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own personal hygiene and disinfectant supplies.
To help prevent the spread of coronavirus, we are implementing social distancing and other restrictions. No new events should be planned and events with 10 or more participants should be cancelled or postponed. The NCAA and SWAC has cancelled the rest of the winter and spring seasons. We have cancelled probates, convocations, etc. as well.
Individuals are strongly encouraged to use social distancing to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Large gatherings on campus will immediately be dispersed and those present will be subject to university policies. In addition to increasing physical space of at least six feet between individuals, some of the other ways to implement social distancing include staggering work schedules, decreasing social contacts (e.g., limit in-person meetings, meeting for lunch in a break room, etc.), and limiting large work-related gatherings (e.g., staff meetings, after-work functions).
With a limited number of exceptions, our current travel restrictions are as follows:
- All domestic and international University-sponsored travel is suspended.
- Athletic travel and large events are suspended.
- We are requesting that all individuals who travel for personal reasons from areas where there is a sustained outbreak to self-report and self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to campus. This protocol applies to students, faculty, staff, and community.
According to the Mississippi State Department of Health in conjunction with the CDC, people with preexisting health conditions such as diabetes, lung disease, etc. are at higher risk to develop complications from a COVID-19 infection. They recommend that people at higher risk of severe illness should stay home and away from public places.
A number of local K-12 school districts have announced they will be closing for extended spring break starting Monday, March 16. This creates a substantial challenge for employees with children.
As always, employees must notify their supervisor as soon as possible if they plan to be away from work. If you are unsure as to whether you can report for work, please discuss with your supervisor. While COVID-19 protocols are in place at pg电子下载, employees are asked to refrain from bringing their children to work.
The University is open. While the university implements its COVID-19 plans, managers and supervisors are encouraged to exercise normal protocols, to the extent possible, in order to maintain standard operations. Employees who feel they are unable to report to work should contact their supervisor as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements.
Employees who are not feeling well (but able to work) or believe they may have coronavirus symptoms, should not come to campus and call their health care provider if their condition worsens. Employees who are returning from areas with confirmed cases will need to self-report and self-quarantine for at least 14 days. Please call your direct supervisor in advance. When sick, employees should follow normal call out procedures in their various offices. Employees should also submit leave pre-approval forms and record their sick time in Banner per normal practices.
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Call your healthcare provider before showing up to their office so that they can take steps to keep other people from getting infected or exposed.
Regardless of your status on campus, students can reach out to the Office of Counseling Services by calling (601) 877-6230 or via email at [email protected]. Office staff will connect you to any additional resources you may need.